Get a copyright protection on fashion mode product.


The fashion industry in the United States is one of the most competitive and has become very contentious. Therefore it is very important to protect your fashion mode project from those who might try to take shortcuts in such a market. Many fashion mode products have similar design elements in their fashion mode products, so it is not unusual for several people to come up with similar designs, even without  intending to do so. Everyone should be sure to protect their fashion mode products through copyright laws. 

Under U.S. copyright law, you technically automatically obtain a copyright when you create anything unique and creative. However, as a practical matter, when it comes time to protect your rights, you have to be able to prove two things; you have to prove that you own your fashion mode product and you have to prove a date certain of its creation and the commencement of your copyright. exists so that you can obtain and demonstrate that proof when the time comes. By registering and depositing your fashion mode product into our system, you ensure that everyone knows that your fashion mode product belongs to you and you alone.

How We Protect Your Fashion Mode Product?

In the United States, copyright law protects any and all of your creative work, including fashion mode products, from outright theft or any other infringement. Legally speaking, everyone who creates such a product  has a copyright. However,  if someone challenges your ownership rights in any way, or they create something deceptively similar, you must be able to provide proof of copyright. The best way to do that is to register and deposit your fashion mode product with When you do that, the protection is immediate. It creates a date certain for the creation of your fashion mode product, which provides you with the means to prove that everyone who comes after you is infringing on your rights. A copyright deposit serves as your official witness of your right to every aspect of the  creation and design of your fashion mode product and, in the United States, copyright is valid for life.

There is more, however.When you make a copyright deposit of your fashion mode product to, it is archived by officers who have a legal obligation to retain everything deposited in a way that makes your copyright ownership incontestable.  The protection we offer is also very comprehensive. When you make a copyright deposit in the United States, that protection is valid in all 171 countries that have signed on to the Berne Convention. That means that you have international protection for your fashion mode product.